Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 21: first goodbyes

Woke up bright and early to finish my powerpoint for my final presentation! Was excited to be finished with classes, but sad that it means the end of the program. But for last days, today was kind of perfect.

We got to schedule class later and so I didn't have to get to campus till 11, which was awesome! The best part about my classes here have been how small it was! I felt like I was obligated to pay attention, which was difficult at times, but I really did learn a lot, which is what's important. So, thanks Professor Tidman! Your patience with me was much appreciated.

After our final class, we headed to lunch at the sciences building (so fancy!) and I managed to make a friend whilst trying to find food (seems like a trend here). An older man who worked in the cafeteria saw me looking at the visual menu and he pointed at me then at the food and made a questioning face. I just shrugged and he gave me an a-ok sign then started talking at the guy behind the counter and patted me on the back. I kind of guessed that he ordered for me, because he then said "aloy matmah" (slang for very delicious), so I responded "khab khoon kha" (thank you) and he smiled and walked away. I asked the cashier "tao rai kha?" (how much, please?) and the cashier responded with "gee-seep-haa bhat" (means twenty five bhat). I then paid and I think I ate khao soi gai... (either way, it was delicious!) Sorry I explained that in such detail- I was just excited that it was a full conversation in Thai and that I followed it! (Okay, yes, there were lots of gestures involved, but just let me have this victory!)

See? I'm posting more pictures of food! 
After lunch, I came back to Uniserv to see that it was another CLEANING DAY! which was so, so exciting! I celebrated my new sheets by taking a well-deserved nap. After napping, a huge group (I think 20 or so) went out to one farewell dinner at Sahara's. We all wore our Thai pants as it's Thai-pants-Thursday, and I can't imagine what the poor waiters thought when they saw 20 pharangs show up all clad in their thai pants. It was really nice just getting to sit and hang out with my study abroad family- I really do love and appreciate all of them and I got a chance to sit with people I haven't spent a lot of time with yet, which was so much fun! After eating we went back to Uniserv and hung out for a bit before meeting as a full group for one last time to say goodbye to the five students that were leaving early to go to Phuket for the weekend.

Anyone who knows me knows I'm really, really terrible with goodbyes. I always cried when I had to leave summer camp, and on the last day of school, and whenever I have to leave somewhere that I've made new friends that I won't see for awhile. I get emotional so easily  that it's embarrassing. But I held it together. There were no tears, which was kind of miraculous. 

Goodbyes are really tough, but I'll always hold the Moment when an impromptu round of Lean On Me broke out and we all held each other and swayed. I'm sure our Thai pants all clashed in a riot of color and some of us (me) were off key, but we all just fit together so nicely that it kind of didn't matter. It's all about the Qualia that I mentioned a few posts back. I can't explain exactly how it felt, but it was just like the day at the wat when we were all together for the first time. There's something really unique and special about being in the moment with so many people who all feel the same way that you do about your shared experience. I don't think anybody is going to walk away from this adventure feeling like they didn't enjoy themselves or having any regrets. The group of people I was lucky enough to come with has been wonderfully adventurous, completely kind, and totally enthusiastic about throwing themselves into a new culture. All of the Ajarns and my thai buddies have also been absolutely stellar and this experience wouldn't have been half as good without them. I honestly can't imagine having better people to share in this journey with. 

For now, I'm going to finish my paper once and for all and maybe cry a little bit. I feel very strongly that this might be goodbye for now, but it's definitely not goodbye forever. (Not for me, at least!) I'm sad I'm sleeping in an empty room tonight, but I'm so fortunate to have met y'all! 

Love, love, and lots more love,

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