Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 19: Putting the "Study" in Study Abroad

Hey y'all,

Didn't do much today, but please be patient with me (and my blogging) over the next few days! I have a presentation and 5ish page research paper due on thursday as well as a take-home essay-test that's due Thursday night! I'm fitting all of that in between hanging out with my Thai and USAC friends as a lot of my USAC friends are leaving on thursday :( I can guarantee that I will get caught up on everything, but just know that I'm a little busy right now!

As a side note, this blog has over 1000 views- WWWHHHAAATTT?! That's crazy to think that I have (and have had) so much love and support whilst on this adventure! Thank you so much for being so supportive and enjoying my adventures here with me- if only virtually!

On to the blog:
As I said, I didn't do much today- just went to classes then hung out on the 4th floor of my housing and did preliminary research and begin to organize my outlines for the essays. I just grabbed food to-go from downstairs and hung out with some kids from our program while I waited for it. We went out to Riverside with a bunch of kids from our program and some of our Thai friends to enjoy live music, some food, and each other. Mostly we just spent a lot of time commiserating about finals and everyone's impeding departure as well as reminiscing and laughing. I know I've said it before, but I truly love and appreciate everyone that I've shared this experience with in my program. I've never gotten to be part of such a kind, adventurous, and hilarious bunch of individuals and I realize how fortunate I am that I've gotten to share this with such wonderful people!

That's all for now, folks! I've got to get on my homework!

Lots of love,

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