Tuesday, May 28, 2013

And we're off!

Nobody has every accused me of being a particularly good at packing efficiently. If anything, my packing style is "Mentally Plan For Weeks But Actually Save It For The Night Before" which is why until midnight last night, this was as far as I'd gotten:


Packing is exciting, but ridiculously stressful because how in the world am I supposed to condense my entire closet into one suitcase? Of course, there's other things to consider too, like: how do I split my clothes/toiletries between my carry-on and checked baggage? What clothing is appropriate to wear by eastern standards? How many matching pairs of socks do I actually own? And then, of course, there's the question of do I bring my teddybear that I've always brought to everywhere I've ever traveled ever? The answer to that one is a hesitant "no" because of lack of space, but the metaphoric resonance of choosing not to bring an icon of my childhood hasn't been lost on me. (If anything, I feel oddly guilty for it)

Anyways, I burned the midnight candle so when I rolled out of Myrtle Beach this morning, I only had a backpack, carry-on, and one actual suitcase. (I can't explain it, but I'm terrified that Korean Air is going to lose my baggage, so a lot of my clothes are actually in my backpack)

This morning I hung out with Nat before she had to go to school then did the last minute Frantic Rummage Through My Room to make sure I didn't forget anything (UPDATE: forgot shower shoes). Then Ma and La brought me to the airport.

My first flight was a short one to ATL, which meant that the plane only held about 50 people- most of which were the vestiges of bike week, which had just happened in MB. As such, I was stuck sitting between two 300 lb women. And they were sisters. I offered (prayed) that they'd choose to sit next to each other and let me take the aisle seat, but no. They spent all 57 minutes of the flight snipping at each other with me in the middle.

After ATL, I had to do a quick change between terminals and rushed to get to my plane headed to LAX. The flight was AWESOME because we had TVS on the back of all of the seats. This time I sat next to a pair of siblings who both slept the whole way. It was weird though, most everyone on our flight was headed to Israel- I kept getting asked if A) I was Israeli or B) I was headed to Israel too. Of course, going to LAX meant that the whole ride, the only thing I could think of was this.

As I have a 19 hour layover, I'm staying the night in LA. When I finally arrived at LAX, I took a shuttle to my hotel, called the fam, then took a nap. After that, I took a little walk (sorry mom, if you're reading this) and got dinner at In N Out because it's a west coast thing and I've never been before (black bean veggie patty- yum!). But can you really begrudge my walk when it was as awesome as this?!

I'll probably be more photo-based than text-based after I'm somewhere more exotic than airports. I leave (officially) for Thailand tomorrow and I'm not at that crazy freakout OHMIGODI'MGOING stage yet, but I do have baby butterflies (if that makes any sense). I'm not nervous either. Maybe I should be, but I'm pretty chill about it all at the moment. That being said, I'll probably wake up tomorrow morning and run around screaming 'cuz it'll all hit me at once.

Tired but excited,

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