Monday, December 30, 2013

Day 23-25?: Homeward Bound

Chiang Mai International Airport kinda reminds me of the airport in Charleston because it was tiny and rather empty. It took no time at all to get all checked in and ready to board. We tried waiting for our USAC friends to arrive at the airport so that we could say goodbyes, but they didn't make it in time, which was really sad. Everybody else seemed ready to go, but (predictably) I was having a difficult time leaving. I didn't cry, but it was with a heavy heart that I boarded the plane to our connecting flight to South Korea. I could write some kind of long meditation on what it was like to leave, but I decided to take the Thai approach of "goodbyes happen and if we're meant to meet again then we will" and tried to be excited about going home rather than borderline-depressed about leaving.

Our plane left Chiang Mai at midnight and we arrived at Incheon International Airport bright and early somewhere near 6 a.m.. The security check was a breeze and we set up camp near our terminal. I took the opportunity to run around and check out the airport while some of our group napped (so grateful for airports that don't have armrests between the chairs so we can sleep easily!) After getting some food and poking around a bit, I called Ma and Dad over Viber so that they knew that I was doing well. One solid nap I got on the long plane ride back to the U.S. I was really lucky and ended up sitting next to Emma and Katie T, so my flight back was awesome! I ended up watching the entirety of the Werewolf Boy movie (which I had watched parts of twice between the seats of people in front of me. But I finally figured out the name of the thing and actually watched it with like, sound and subtitles). I ate pretty decent plane food that consisted of a lot of rice bowls and overall had another great experience of Korean Air.
There were a few monks on our flight...

The Snoopy Coffee House at Incheon International Airport

taking a quick nap at Incheon International Airport
After arriving at L.A. we continued to stick together in our little pod and went through customs together. It took forever to get our bags and by forever I mean much longer than customs usually takes- I was in a plane-daze and deeply disoriented so I couldn't tell you how long it took. All I know is that the majority of the old korean business men had moved along with their tiny hard-shelled suitcases and there were only a few stragglers looking for luggage. We eventually got all of my bags and then moved through customs and back to the exact gate where we'd boarded the first flight over. It's weird how life comes full circle like that, right?! After saying goodbye to Lauren and Paige, I had to give some quick hugs to Emma, Katie T, and Katie G before hopping off and checking into my delta flights that would get me the rest of the way home.

Last picture of the Ohio/SC girls! We met in the LA airport and parted in it!
Thoroughly disoriented, somewhat greasy, and with limited amount of USD, I got my tickets for the final legs of the trip and made my way to my gate. After texting my family (using ACTUAL texting and not viber!) I called my grandparents then Nidhi. Both parties were thrilled to talk to me and I was glad that they were keeping me stimulated enough that I didn't fall asleep and miss my flight.

The flights from LAX to Atlanta then Atlanta to Myrtle Beach passed by in a complete daze and I was exhausted and felt disgusting from being in the same clothes for 24+ hours and without access to a shower. Finally arriving home to Myrtle Beach was the weirdest feeling. I was relieved to FINALLY be home and TAKE A SHOWER but it also hit me that I was done. That I was home and away from Thailand and all of the lovely, exotic, wonderful, sometimes frustrating, and exciting things that it had to offer. Now I got to watch my friends from afar doing the things that I loved and be envious of them that they get to walk to the coffee truck and buy "kaffe yen" and fresh pineapple and hang out with my Thai friends. I mean, yes, eventually they would leave too and I would empathize with their sadness over leaving, but I was definitely jealous of them for a good while and I definitely missed Chiang Mai far more than I ever thought I would. (I still do!) My trip was absolutely lovely and I can't begin to describe how absolutely wonderful it was and how excited I am to go back eventually.I still talk to the majority of my friends from CM and I cherish the relationships that I made there! I can't imagine having picked a more wonderful place to have studied and explored. 

Haley (บัว)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 24: Last Day

The day, my final day, dawned bright and too early and too soon. I knew I wanted to have an awesome last day, but I had no idea what to do. Unfortunately, we had to check out of the hostile by 1 pm, so most of my morning was spent packing and tracking down the little odds and ends I've collected since I've been here.

Mid-way through packing, Hong invited us to come visit him at the lake and Katie Gall and I took him up on the offer. We hailed a sung tao (with the creepiest gypsy-driver ever) and it took him like, a solid hour to get us there, which was ridiculous. But as soon as we got there, it was awesome! The lake was tucked up in the mountains and just so ridiculously picturesque.

our driver played the beegees for us
Katie was a fan

For lunch, we tried 'dancing shrimp', which means we ate live shrimp... Katie actually ate live shrimp alongside her well-cooked shrimp.

We rode back on Hong's motorbike, which was so much fun! Our sung tao ride had taken almost an hour to get to where we were going, but it only took like 20 mins on the bike!

After our lake adventure, we showered in a friend's room (since we were already checked out) then Katie and I went to Walking Street with Noi and Gig.

We ate lots of good food and ended up eating a northern noodle dish as our 'last meal.'

Katie Gall, Gig, Me, and Noi
After Walking Street, we all gathered our stuff and had to shout a quick goodbye as we left Uniserv. Noi and Gig rode behind us for a bit on our way to the airport and generally, I was a mess. I am so terrible with goodbyes, but I really, genuinely feel like these people aren't out of my life. I will absolutely return to Chiang Mai if not soon, then eventually and I cannot wait to see all of my friends again. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day 23: more of the same

A bunch of us went out to lunch as a final chance to get lunch with Summer and Nate- we went to this out of the way place that had American and Thai food, but of course, we all got Thai food. 
num plao
green chicken curry
green chicken curry and rice and Annette's spicy pork salad in the background

After lunch, we all split up, and I decided I wanted to visit Wat Chiang Mun, which is the oldest temple in Chiang Mai (and a lot of Northern Thailand). Everyone else was templed out, so I went with my friend Beebe. Wat Chiang Mun was really cool because of its age, but also because it was like a complex with three different  temples and a building for monks to stay in. It was really cool seeing the difference between these temples and the 'newer' ones that I've had a chance to see in other parts of my visit.

First wat:

Second wat:

Place where monks were staying:

Third temple:

Beebe riding on the back of the Sung Tao on our way back

After the Wat, I went and hung out with Tukkatoon, Nut, and Jed and went to and English-speaking class for a bit. On our way back from that, we came across a restaurant called "Chiang Mai Beach" which was apt because the floor was sand! Ben, Hong, Rylan, Jessica, Meagan, and I enjoyed 'playing on the beach' for a little bit.

And then we came across a rotee stand...

And when we got back to Uniserv, there were cuddles.
